Apostles Of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim


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Constitutions (.doc) (.pdf)

Daily Consecration Prayer (.doc) (.pdf)

Who We are (.doc) (.pdf)


Lord Jesus Christ, High Priest and Spotless Victim, send us as you sent your Apostles to preach to and convert all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Grant us, we humbly implore You, an authentic love for Your priesthood in which we share and a burning desire to spend ourselves tirelessly in all of our priestly duties. Help us to see the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the source and summit of our lives as priests, and the Divine Office as its fitting complement. Strengthen us to serve the Father as You did, in obedience unto death in order to save the greatest number of souls.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus the High Priest and our Mother, mold our hearts like unto the meek and humble Heart of your beloved Son. Impart to us, we beseech you, from the secrets held in your Heart, a deep knowledge and love of Our Lord so that we, who are also your Apostles, may conform our lives to Christ’s. Teach us to offer our lives with Jesus as priests and victims so that we may fill up in our own flesh what is wanting in the sufferings of Christ for the sake of His Body, the Church.

St. Joseph, spouse of the Virgin Mary and guardian of the Holy Family, help us to sanctify ourselves through our brotherhood, our daily work and our common rule. Make our hearts responsive to the movements of the Holy Spirit in order that all of our external occupations may be informed by His interior inspirations of grace. Help us to abide always, as you did, in the presence of Jesus and Mary so as to keep the eyes of our hearts constantly fixed on Heaven where we will behold the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in everlasting glory. Amen.